why I’m starting novel.

I spent the summer of 2019 traveling Ireland’s southern coast with my family. We stumbled upon Cobh, Ireland, a quaint seaport town outside of Cork with rich history. It was the Titanic’s last port of call and the beginning of many Irish immigrants journey to a new life.

While exploring this little beach town, I was stunned to see palm trees (in Ireland!) and the gorgeous views of flowers baskets, European architecture and the focal point of Cobh, St. Coleman’s church. St. Coleman’s resides at the top of a steep hill, overlooking Cork harbour. Homes and shops lined the high street, and a cafe table and chairs set for tea caught my eye.

The Artist’s Cove, with its outdoor garden and charming decor, was like a warm hug. Chamomile, lavender and citrus aromas greeted you at the door, and the original canvas artwork displayed on the shelves, walls and even scattered across the floor was candid and engaging. Dolores Stephenson, owner of the Cove, rustled unseen in the kitchen preparing hot drinks and baked goods for her patrons. I hadn’t met her yet, but I felt closer to her as I browsed through her artwork, portraits of her family and friends and authentic Ireland prints that decorated the shop.

Her tea, which was fantastic by the way, was secondary to Dolores’ artistic talent. She had just started the tea shop to make ends meet, to share her paintings and herself. A well-traveled artist, she had recently settled back in Ireland, and had been open at the tea shop a mere 3 days. She lived in a modest loft above the shop with her mother, and only a stairway separated her private life from her livelihood. This intimacy of her art was amplified by the communal space she shared with the public; the bathroom that you used, the kitchen where she prepared your scones, was also where she brushed her teeth at night and made herself breakfast in the morning.

Regardless of Dolores’ overt talent, this innermost experience with her, her forthright nature regarding her art and her openness to discuss her inspiration, motivated me to share in her passion. Before I took my last sip of tea, I had decided on a canvas print of Cobh, depicting Cobh Beach and to commemorate my experience with an artist that I still treasure.

The print, which resides in my apartment in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania over 3,000 miles away from The Artist’s Cove, is one of my most cherished items. My connection with Dolores, this breathtaking town, and the joy that I felt supporting her is a feeling I haven’t quite experienced since.

Thanks to the wonderful world of ecommerce, our most desired buys are one click away, but the fulfillment you experience from supporting independent artists is a costly tradeoff for Prime 2-day shipping. Novel will highlight small but mighty creators worthy of your support, share their unique stories and the inspiration behind their brands. From editorial features to social posts and video content, I’m looking forward to connecting you with one-of-a-kind merchandise that has a story to tell.

Here’s to supporting people and brands that make you feel good.


the earthling co.